a group of children lying on a mat
a group of children lying on a mat
a group of children lying on a mat

6 Tips for Sending Kids Back to School After Breaks

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在孩子长时间的休学期间,他们很容易脱离日常生活. For days or weeks, kids no longer have to wake up early for school, so they may stay in their pajamas, 晚一点睡觉,把一天的大部分时间都花在玩游戏或看屏幕上. When the break is over, 对学生和家长来说,重返校园可能是一个具有挑战性的调整.

How can you make the change as easy as possible?

Kelly Henchel, medical director of the General Pediatrics Clinic at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, and Barry Solomon, director of the Division of General Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, 讨论六个步骤来帮助你的孩子在假期或长时间休息后回到学校的日常生活.

1. Don’t Let Return to School Sneak Up on Children

虽然寒假和春假开始倒计时,暑假结束也有一些盛况, the end of those breaks can seem to end abruptly. For younger kids, make a calendar to help remind them of the return to school, 让大一点的孩子和青少年把它写在他们自己的日历上,或者输入他们的手机里. 日历也可以很好地提醒青少年课间作业.

“我喜欢用日历来计划假期,”亨切尔说. “For younger children, 他们可以通过寻找代表目标或任务的图片来帮助使日历更有意义. 他们甚至可以在日历上标注睡觉时间、游戏日期或项目. For the older kids, 提前完成工作的计划也可以写在日历上, and they can be rewarded before returning to school.” 

2. Return of the School Sleep Schedule

Whether the student is a 5-year-old or a 15-year-old, 晚上充足的睡眠对他们的学习能力至关重要. 美国睡眠医学学会表示,睡眠不足, children and teens are more likely to have behavior, learning and attention problems when they return to school. 睡眠不足也使他们更容易出现各种健康问题,包括:

  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity

让青少年在返校前恢复正常的睡眠模式是很重要的. For younger children in particular, 在返校前的几个晚上,把就寝时间往后推15到20分钟,直到你的孩子回到学校的睡眠时间表.

“让所有的父母和照顾者在提前睡觉的问题上达成一致是很重要的,” says Solomon. “While kids may be disappointed initially, 回到他们休息前的时间表会让他们更快乐, healthier child and a less hectic morning.”

3. Let’s talk about it

Talk to your child or teen about upcoming school events, 他们可能已经忘记的项目,以及他们回到学校后所期待的. 你也可以讨论他们可能对回到学校结构和重新与同龄人交往的担忧. 这可以帮助他们减轻焦虑,提醒他们喜欢上学的原因. 对于大一点的孩子来说,寒假过后,制定学业上的新年计划可能会有所帮助.

“Keeping a few school-like activities in place during break, like reading, 练习数学题或做科学实验,而不是过多地看屏幕, can also help kids transition back to the classroom,” Henchel says.  

4. Show them who their friends are

For some students, 回到教室意味着回到与学校有关的压力和艰苦的工作中, especially for students in middle school and high school. If your child is fretting about going back to school, 试着和他们的学校朋友(对于大一点的孩子)安排一个小型的游戏约会, 鼓励他们在假期与朋友联系). 这可以让他们想起他们的朋友,回到学校也很有趣. 这也打破了一段时间没有见到同学的僵局, 当他们重新进入教室时,什么能让他们更自信.

“在休息期间,青少年可能会在社交媒体上保持联系,”所罗门说. “然而,如果他们看到一群朋友在没有他们的情况下玩得很开心,他们就会感到孤立. 我鼓励父母定期与他们的孩子联系,并继续监控他们对社交媒体的使用.”    

5. Avoid the trap of putting off important school tasks

Kids are apt to forget about homework that is due after break, or obtaining supplies they need when returning to the classroom. 推迟这些活动会给孩子和父母带来不必要的压力. 在课间休息时提醒大一点的孩子他们的作业,这样他们就不会在返校前感到匆忙和烦恼. 你可以在节后大减价时带孩子去买学习用品,让他们期待在课堂上使用这些用品.

此外,你可以在开学前一晚做好准备,为自己和孩子的成功做好准备. Try laying out your child’s clothes, prepare easy breakfasts and lunches, 收拾好背包,这样第一天回来的压力就会小一些.

亨切尔说:“庆祝你的孩子离开学校,重新开始学习。. “A special dinner, snack, 或者在他们回来后去图书馆或书店,可以帮助你的孩子积极地构建学习框架.”  

6. It’s OK not to be OK

Despite your best efforts, 你的孩子在休息后回到学校时可能仍然有复杂的感觉, and that is perfectly normal. Encourage your child or teen to express how they feel, 如果他们遇到困难,联系学校的支持网络.

如果你的孩子在开学的第一周很难出门, let a teacher or other school staff members know. 这给了学校一个提醒,学生可能需要休息一下, 它让你的孩子知道你和他们的老师都会支持他们回到学校.

虽然这可能需要一点时间,但你的孩子应该很快就会恢复正常. If all goes well during the first few weeks back at school, 考虑一个小的庆祝活动——以你的孩子可以期待的周末活动的形式.

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