
There are a number of treatment settings typical for the treatment of patients with substance abuse disorders. 它们主要分为两类. 那些不是针对特定药物滥用的, 例如, intensive outpatient treatment; and those that specialize in a particular class of drug and a treatment that has been developed for that class, 例如, 阿片类药物依赖和美沙酮维持治疗的使用. 下面是每种处理模式的一般描述. 在约翰霍普金斯大学寻找治疗服务, please contact the programs listed below each type of treatment or review our list of treatment programs.


Intensive outpatient treatment is distinguished from outpatient counseling by the amount of time the patient spends in the program --- usually nine or more hours a week of treatment. A patient in an intensive outpatient program (IOP) will have an individual treatment plan based on an assessment of their particular needs. The treatment is provided by a variety of professionals including nurses, 辅导员, 医生, 心理学家, 治疗师, 还有社会工作者. Individual counseling is part of the treatment but the emphasis is on group therapy. Patients often enter an IOP from a more intensive level of service such as an inpatient or residential setting or a partial hospitalization program. Intensive outpatient treatment can last from a few weeks to several months, when the patient can move to standard outpatient counseling as they are stabilized. 例如,IOP项目的组织方式各不相同, some might operate in the early evening for two hours each weeknight (to accommodate people who work), 而其他人可能每天工作三到四个小时, 每周三天. 



A partial hospitalization program (PHP) is one in which a patient stays in the hospital no more than 20 hours a week , 通常在白天. 推荐十大正规网赌平台不会过夜. A PHP provides a mix of outpatient individual and group counseling in a setting with medical services. Nurses and 医生 are available for clinical car, such as medically supervised withdrawals. 推荐十大正规网赌平台经常在住院后进入PHP, and the PHP is used as a step-down in the intensity of services provided. 在其他情况下, a person may be admitted to a PHP because they have relapses in their drug use and more intensive services are needed to restabilize the person. Staff in partial hospitalization program assess the patient and generate a treatment plan. 治疗 often includes classes about drug use are well as therapies. 

Johns Hopkins does not currently have any partial hospitalization substance abuse programs.


Inpatient substance abuse treatment is used on a short-term basis particularly for medically supervised withdrawal, 也被称为排毒或“排毒”。. 训练有素的医疗专业人员每天24小时都在现场. A physician (or in some cases a physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner) typically sees each patient on the inpatient unit every day, 一周七天.  Other professionals such as social workers and occupational 治疗师 are also available.  戒断某些药物, 比如阿片类药物, 镇静催眠药, 和酒精, 产生身体依赖, 会产生很大的痛苦和不适吗. 在某些情况下,突然停止使用药物可能是危险的. Detoxification can occur in either an inpatient or an outpatient setting. It often involves giving some medication in decreasing doses over time until the person is drug free. When done on an inpatient basis, detox usually lasts just a few days.  在门诊环境中,它可能持续数周或数月.


  • 急性精神科-湾景 
  • 化学依赖单位- Bayview 
  • 重症监护室-约翰霍普金斯医院
  • 动机行为组-约翰霍普金斯医院


Residential treatment is also a level of service that has 24-hour supervision but does not have the same level of medical monitoring and staffing associated with inpatient treatment.  Individuals who do not have significant medical problems but who need constant supervision, 是否适合住院治疗.  The length of time that a person stays on a residential unit can vary considerably, 有些停留时间短至几天或一周, 还有一些持续了好几个月. Residential programs are staffed 24-hours a day and provide groups and counseling. A physician may see patients on an intermittent basis after admission (e.g., 如果没有健康问题,每周一次), and in some cases non-complicated medical problems and withdrawals can be managed on a residential unit. 



An opioid treatment program (or OTP) is a specially licensed clinic that provides both medication (typically 美沙酮 or 丁丙诺啡) and non-pharmacological services for the treatment of opioid dependence. It is staffed by 辅导员, nurses, a medical director, and other professionals. 这些课程通常每周开放六到七天, 患者每天接受监督剂量的药物治疗. otp可以提供一系列服务, 如个人和团体咨询, 初级医疗服务, 职业咨询, 夫妻治疗, 艾滋病毒检测, 除阿片类药物外,其他滥用药物的咨询和治疗. 


  • 戒毒治疗服务-湾景
  • 百老汇中心-约翰霍普金斯医院


基于办公室的阿片类药物治疗 (OBOT) is provided to opioid dependent persons through a physician’s office. Special legislation in the United States (passed in the year 2000) allows certain 医生 to prescribe certain opioid agonist medications for the treatment of opioid dependence. 目前,只有丁丙诺啡(或 丁丙诺啡/烯丙羟吗啡酮) can be prescribed in this way and treatment can only be provided by 医生. Ideally the physician practicing OBOT can readily refer patients to coordinated services in the.  The patient receiving office-based opioid treatment does not need to go to the doctor’s office each day to receive Buprenorphine, 以临床为基础的阿片类药物治疗项目也是如此. The patient receives a prescription that is filled at the local pharmacy providing up a month of medication. 



An opioid treatment program (or OTP) is a specially licensed clinic that provides both medication (typically 美沙酮 or 丁丙诺啡) and non-pharmacological services for the treatment of opioid dependence. It is staffed by 辅导员, nurses, a medical director, and other professionals. 这些课程通常每周开放六到七天, 患者每天接受监督剂量的药物治疗. otp可以提供一系列服务, 如个人和团体咨询, 初级医疗服务, 职业咨询, 夫妻治疗, 艾滋病毒检测, 除阿片类药物外,其他滥用药物的咨询和治疗. 


  • 戒毒治疗服务-湾景
  • 百老汇中心-约翰霍普金斯医院


基于办公室的阿片类药物治疗 (OBOT) is provided to opioid dependent persons through a physician’s office. Special legislation in the United States (passed in the year 2000) allows certain 医生 to prescribe certain opioid agonist medications for the treatment of opioid dependence. 目前,只有丁丙诺啡(或 丁丙诺啡/烯丙羟吗啡酮) can be prescribed in this way and treatment can only be provided by 医生. Ideally the physician practicing OBOT can readily refer patients to coordinated services in the.  The patient receiving office-based opioid treatment does not need to go to the doctor’s office each day to receive Buprenorphine, 以临床为基础的阿片类药物治疗项目也是如此. The patient receives a prescription that is filled at the local pharmacy providing up a month of medication. 
