In-Home Primary Care

a doctor and a patient at home

对于一些65岁以上的人来说,去医生办公室接受适当的护理可能是一项挑战. 但是错过医疗预约会增加你去急诊室或住院的风险. 约翰霍普金斯医学院为65岁或以上因医疗条件或身体限制而难以离开家的人提供家庭初级护理.

Our experienced geriatricians, 执业护士和其他健康专业人员在您舒适的家中提供富有同情心的护理. 我们在整个霍华德县以及巴尔的摩市和巴尔的摩县的部分地区提供家庭初级保健. To get started, call us at 410-550-0931, or apply for the program with our online application.

Who might benefit from in-home primary care?

通过家庭初级保健,也称为家庭基础初级保健,我们为您提供医疗保健. 我们的目标是提供定期的医生或护士就诊,从每月一次到每三个月一次. 我们也随时准备处理紧急医疗需求.


  • 如果没有你或你所爱的人的巨大努力,你就无法找到你的初级保健提供者
  • 需要有人陪你去约会或者需要特殊的交通工具
  • Use oxygen or assistive devices such as a cane or walker 
  • Have difficulty walking or shortness of breath with exertion
  • 在过去几年中是否多次住院或急诊
  • 日常生活活动有困难,比如洗澡或在家里走动
  • Require multiple days to recover from trips outside the home
  • Have cognitive or behavioral impairment 


  • Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Diabetes
  • 心脏病,包括心力衰竭和冠状动脉疾病
  • 运动障碍,如帕金森病和肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)
  • Recovery after stroke
  • Bedsores and chronic wounds
  • Conditions requiring home ventilator support

Am I eligible for in-home primary care?


  1. 你是住在霍华德县还是住在马里兰州中部的邮政编码21202, 21205, 21213, 21215, 21219, 21222, 21224 or 21231?
  2. Are you 65 or older?
  3. 你是否有慢性疾病或身体限制,使你不能在没有重要帮助的情况下开车或离开家?
  4. 你或你的看护人有电话预约吗?


In-Home Primary Care Services We Offer

如果你符合资格,只要你需要,你就可以接受我们的家庭初级保健服务. Our services include:

  • 24/7/365 support by phone with on-call doctors
  • Primary care to address your specific health needs
  • Coordination for home medical equipment, including recommending, ordering and having equipment delivered to your home
  • Management of chronic conditions
  • Medication review
  • 转介到社区资源(对于霍华德县居民,我们与 Community Care Team at Howard County General Hospital.)
  • Palliative care and end-of-life care
  • Regular visits during standard business hours
  • 紧急家访,以解决不能等待下一次定期访问的健康需求
  • Telehealth visits by phone or video

You can also email us at [email protected]. Apply for the program today with our online application.

Why Choose Johns Hopkins Medicine for In-Home Primary Care?

当你需要的时候,我们让你很容易得到你需要的照顾. Highlights of our home-based primary care include:

Multidisciplinary team

您可以接触到来自多个医学领域的医疗保健提供者团队. 我们共同制定针对各种身体疾病的护理计划, emotional and social health needs. 我们帮助家庭应对照顾患有慢性疾病的亲人的一些挑战.

Urgent house calls

如果您需要紧急护理,我们会在您打电话给我们的当天派人上门. 有了我们的紧急上门服务,您无需去医院就能得到所需的护理.

Palliative care services

对于那些正在适应失去独立和能力以及在生命结束时需要照顾的人, we provide compassionate health care. 照顾者在家里为所爱的人提供医疗护理时感到支持和宽慰.

Expertise in geriatric primary care

Our team includes geriatricians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, 在老年学(照顾老年人)方面受过专门培训和有经验的社会工作者和社区卫生工作者. 我们专注于为患有复杂或多种慢性疾病的人提供初级保健, 我们会根据你的目标和喜好为你提供个性化的护理.

Same provider for routine visits

Whenever possible, the same provider comes to your home for your regular visits, every four to eight weeks. We build a close relationship with you, 了解您的健康需求和偏好,以便我们提供更好的护理.

In-Home Primary Care: What to Expect

You can become our patient with a provider’s referral, or you or a loved one can call us to get started. After we receive your referral, here’s what you can expect:

  1. Referral and intake call: 当我们收到您的推荐时,我们会打电话给您,以确保您有资格获得家庭护理. We then schedule your first in-home visit with a provider, usually within four weeks of your referral.
  2. Your first visit: 我们的医生会对你进行全面的身体检查,并询问你的病史, 症状和其他细节,以充分了解您的健康和您的家庭环境. 我们会花时间了解对你来说最重要的是什么,并了解你这个人.
  3. Ongoing visits: 对于您的持续护理,我们会根据您的健康需求制定个性化的护理计划. 你应该期待类似于你在初级保健医生办公室得到的照顾, except we’ll be coming to your home.

Contact Us

Learn more about our program and how we can help you:

Call Us: 410-550-0931

Interpreter Services

如果英语不是你的主要语言,或者你有部分或全部听力损失, our trained, qualified medical interpreters speak more than 230 languages, including sign language. 通过约翰霍普金斯医学院了解更多语言服务.