

如果您的孩子患有慢性或复杂的疾病, 你的家通常是最舒适的, 方便和安全的地方接受护理. 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理 儿科 team is one of the only home care services in the Mid-Atlantic area that specializes in serving children. We bring comprehensive, compassionate care to you and your child. Our team of professionals is trained to work with children of all ages and help families who need a wide variety of pediatric services.


我们的儿童家庭护理服务对儿童开放, 从早产儿到21岁, 整个马里兰和华盛顿, D.C. 打电话给我们:









我们的团队从早上八点半开始工作.m. 到5点.m.,周一至周五,回答问题. 营业时间以外, an answering service takes urgent calls and will connect you to a provider.

团队成员包括注册护士, 康复 治疗师, 药剂师, 注册呼吸治疗师和社工.


我们的团队帮助患有癌症等疾病的儿童, 心脏病, 传染病, 呼吸道条件, 以及营养缺乏.




If your child has a chronic condition or needs post-acute care after a recent hospitalization, 家庭护理可以在舒适的家中提供治疗. Explore the home care process and life-changing benefits for your family.

Why Choose 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理 儿科 for 儿科家庭护理?

约翰霍普金斯家庭护理 儿科 has proudly served the 马里兰 community since 1983, 我们为D.C. 2018年至今地区. Our highly trained team provides your child with dependable services and support when it is needed most. 我们的目标是为患有慢性疾病的儿童提供护理, complex conditions in their home and allow them to stay in school—and out of the hospital—where they can thrive. 约翰霍普金斯家庭儿科护理项目的好处包括:


We are one of the only comprehensive pediatric home care programs in the Mid-Atlantic region. 我们的注册护士, rehabilitation therapists and social work staff are pediatric specialists who work solely with children and their families in the home and in the community. 与你的儿科医生或儿科专家一起, 他们提供评估, 治疗, 教育和支持.



约翰霍普金斯家庭护理 儿科 offers complete care services for your child. 我们所有的服务都由护士负责协调, 谁可以帮助您获得我们提供的任何服务. Whether care begins in the hospital before discharge or starts with your pediatrician in the community, coordination and navigation of all services helps us provide access to care and quality service.



约翰·霍普金斯家庭护理已经获得了认证 联合委员会, an organization whose recognition shows that our dedication to patient care meets or exceeds national standards for safety and quality.


For your child to become a patient of 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理 儿科, 你需要医院或儿科医生的推荐. 以下是你可以期待的: 

  1. 初步评估: When we receive the referral, we consult with your provider to understand your child’s needs. We then schedule a time to meet with you—in the hospital or over the phone—to assess your child’s needs at home. We spend the time to understand your needs and follow your child’s physician orders.
  2. 量身定制的护理计划: We create a personalized care plan based on your child’s health needs and goals. We will also follow up with your referring physician to make sure your child’s care is seamless. 
  3. 对推荐十大正规网赌平台和家属的护理支持: 我们的团队与您密切合作,为您提供教育和帮助. The goal is to help you learn to manage your child’s care on your own, when we are not there.
  4. 护理计划的调整: Our team meets regularly to review your child’s progress and adjust their care plan as needed. 通过我们的定期监督和彻底的教育, 我们帮助您的孩子避免去医院,并在家中保持安全. 



这些资源将帮助您更好地了解您的儿科产品, 找到你需要的指导或了解更多的条件, 努力帮助您的孩子生活得更舒适.


If you have partial or total hearing loss or if English is not your primary language, 我们有训练有素的, qualified medical interpreters who are proficient in more than 230 languages. Find out more about language services available through 约翰霍普金斯医学院.